Saturday 1 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

 Well, Christmas in now in full swing- we've got loads of lovely gifts also so don't worry we haven't filled the Rabbit just with decorations, as much as we'd love to!

It's not very clear in the photo above so here is a little close up of who is hiding under the sleigh on the table!
We're all set now for the Dickensian weekends- hoping for better weather than last year when snow and ice really stopped people from coming.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Christmas is coming fast now...

 The Rabbit is fast filling up with Christmas decorations now.

 As usual we have a massive selection of decorations in the shop- you need to visit to truly appreciate what's on offer.

This year again we have cupcake kits and treat/gift boxes and even some reindeer treats to leave out on Christmas Eve.

It's not all bright colourful baubles but lots of silver, gold and white also.

We think we've got every avenue covered from complete decadence to pared down minimalist white!

Monday 1 October 2012

1940's- here we come!

We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the 1940's weekend despite it being rather cold. From the shop doorway we had a birds' eye view of the Square- the singing and dancing, stalls and the merry-go-round. It was amazing- a bit like time travel- we got a flavour of what our grandparents may have enjoyed in Grassington back then. Loads of people dressed up- a lot in genuine 1940's clothes- didn't people know how to dress decades ago- so glamorous but very time consuming!

  The Rustic Rabbit now has Royal approval!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The 1940's weekend is fast approaching!

There's great excitement here- we've bought our dresses and now we know what's happening over the 1940's weekend. The excitement starts at 7:30 pm on Friday 21st September with the Lindy Hop Dance in the Town Hall. There is a vintage market all weekend and a great mix of war themed events and activities along with 1940s stalls and entertainment. Saturday night ends with a Big Band Dance and to wind everything down on Sunday there's a Tea Dance in the Town Hall. It's going to be a jam packed weekend with loads of fun and nostalgia but also there will be a Remembrance Service on Sunday so that we can pause for a moment and reflect on the heartache and hardships of the time.

So put it in your diary Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd September and come and join us in Grassington for the 1940s weekend!

Friday 31 August 2012

It's still wet and summer's almost gone...

We're now rapidly approaching the end of the summer holidays. Already the nights are turning cold and we are looking forward to the seasons ahead. Soon our new consignment of nostalgic goodies will be whizzing through the door in preparation for the 1940s weekend in Grassington- we'll keep letting you know how our preparations are going on for that and would love any tips on authentic clothing and shopkeeping for the war years. See what we've already got in in the photos!
Looking further ahead we have had our first batch of Christmas decorations arrive- yes, it does seem rather early but considering we ordered them all the way back in January we are filled with great excitement to see what has come in the big brown boxes! However, we won't spill the beans just yet as to what has come- there's a lot of work to do before then such as checking every item to make sure it's as perfect as we'd like and pricing it all up.

Back to the here and now- lots of goodies keep arriving and we'll try to pop as much online as we can!

Friday 27 July 2012

Rain rain go away! Come back again another day!

Some shots of the beautiful new French China we have in.

Rain rain go away! Come back again another day! What a wet month it's been- hoping that August may bring out the sun. This month we've had plenty of pretty china from France to try to give us a feeling of summer inside despite the grey skies outside.

Friday 22 June 2012

Jubilee mania has hit the Rabbit

Great excitement here- it's such an exciting month and we've had so much fun decking the shop out with Union Jack bunting, cushions, bags, tea towels and anything else we can find with a flag on! The partyware has been a big hit.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Missing Clarence...

It has certainly been rather quiet around The Rabbit without poor old Clarence- there's nobody to greet us in morning and there isn't the mad hunt each afternoon to find him before the shop closes for the night. On the plus side we do have the counter back instead of him using it as his bed but for the most part it's a bit lonely without him.

Friday 9 March 2012

RIP Clarence

We’re very sorry to tell you that after a short illness Clarence died peacefully today.

We’ll let you know very soon who will be keeping you posted with news from The Rabbit, so please bear with us.