Tuesday 27 September 2011

Oh the indignity…

Well now, I thought I would have a summer of plenty of mouse catching but I thought wrong! I visited the vet for my usual checkup and do you know what? The next thing I awoke minus my teeth- oh the indignity of it all- they’d gone bad! All those years of living rough have definitely taken their toll. I’ve spent time recuperating on the counter and making sure I was fed plenty of tasty morsels to compensate for my loss.
Now that the seasons are changing again there are plenty of new boxes arriving at the shop and my cosy stockroom is becoming full with interesting new things to discover over the coming months. There’s lots of sparkly stuff being crammed in and there’s a growing excitement in the air. There’s plenty to distract me from thoughts of mouse chasing and I’ll let you know my favourite finds as they are unwrapped. Or, if you’re in the area just drop by and I’ll give you a personal guided tour!