Friday 10 December 2010

First Dickensian Saturday

Last Saturday, was the first of the Grassington Christmas shopping fayres, held on the first three Saturday’s in December, it’s a fun way to do some gift shopping and enjoy a day out. As the name implies, the theme is the era of Dickens, with all the shop owners in splendid regalia and a Victorian style bustling street market, young urchins singing for a coin and street theatre.
With the snow at its deepest, we expected a quieter day than normal however, many brave souls ventured out to the Yorkshire Dales and had a delightful day. Our warren-like shop was as busy as ever with people queuing out of the door for a chance to peruse the fabulous display of goods on offer. Flyers were also distributed telling the good people that a large range of goods are also available on the new online store, so they have the opportunity to shop from the comfort of the fireside in future.
With the (slightly) warmer weather we’re expecting big crowds tomorrow for the second Dickensian Saturday. No doubt I’ll be required to help with “cat”aloging the purr-chases again.
With Christmas fast approaching, our dispatch department is working hard to get all the orders out as quickly as possible so no one has an empty stocking this year. What will you have in yours I wonder?
I’m hoping for more than a gift wrapped sardine, we’ll see…
With best wishes from Clarence